A resume will open the career door or close it. The hiring authority will give your resume approximately a 30 seconds review to decide if you are a potential candidate. Therefore, there are several areas that are important in constructing your resume.
Lay Out
Set up the resume so that your career path is easy to follow at a glance, i.e. employers, dates, positions, education, responsibilities and accomplishments. (The one page rule only applies to those fresh out of school)
Chronological Order
The chronological style is most widely accepted and appreciated. The functional style is typically regarded with suspect.
Under each position, the responsibilities and accomplishments should be stated in clear concise short sentences, phrases, or bullet points. It is best to qualify and quantify your statements with relevant information to your position. The most important and impressive information should always take a first place spot on the resume and under each position.
Misspelled words and poor grammar on your resume does not reflect well and gives a negative impression of the author. Use the spell and grammar check and ask another person to give your resume a final review. Our own eyes won’t catch each misspelled word or coma.